Nature Trails near Owen Sound, Ontario
The City of Owen Sound is located on the southern shores of Georgian Bay in a valley below the sheer rock cliffs of the Niagara Escarpment. Owen Sound is characterized by a magnificent harbour and bay, two winding rivers, tree-lined streets, an extensive parks system, and tree-covered hillsides and ravines, which are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna.
Owen Sound is the largest urban community in Grey and Bruce Counties, which combined represent a primary commercial market of 158,000. Owen Sound is the seat of the County of Grey government, and is the location for a number of regional, provincial and federal government offices. There are twelve elementary schools, three secondary schools, and six private schools in addition to a Georgian College campus.
Points of interest include four conservation areas (Inglis Falls, Indian Falls, Hibou and Pottawatomi), Kelso Beach and the City’s waterfront trail system, Harrison Park, Grey Roots Museum & Archives, Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, Billy Bishop Home & Museum, Owen Sound Marine & Rail Museum and the Farmers’ Market.
The downtown, recently refurbished and reminiscent of the 1900s, offers an economy that is balanced and diversified. The Heritage Place Shopping Centre on the east side complements the vibrant, scenic downtown core and other arterial shopping areas.
Citizens and visitors can enjoy extensive recreation facilities and opportunities in Owen Sound. The City operates two arenas, and numerous soccer and baseball complexes. Three golf courses serve the City. Excellent boating and fishing are available on the bay, and during the winter residents can access thousands of kilometres of snowmobile trails, crosscountry skiing areas, and downhill skiing clubs.
For more information please visit: https://www.owensound.ca/
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One of the largest marsh systems in Grey County, this area is 668 hectares of escarpment upland forests, three major marshes, Ducks Unlimited dam, Bruce Trail access, reforested areas, and several small springs. You can hike on 11.9 km of trails, experience the Bognor...
This hike leads you to a somewhat magical place. The trail leads you into a gigantic crevice which towers over you. At the end of the crevice there is a ladder which takes you to the top. On the right is one of the many caves in the area. The trail then leads you to...BRUCE TRAIL – SYDENHAM SECTION
The Sydenham Section is one of 9 sections of the Bruce Trail that threads its way, from Queenston Heights in the south of Ontario to Tobermory, at the tip of the Bruce Peninsula to the north, along the Niagara Escarpment affording the user a variety of special...
Doug Wardell Nature Trail
The Doug Wardell Nature Trail , located on Concession 3 (Derby) in Georgian Bluffs, Grey County was opened in May 2018 in memory of Doug Wardell, the inaugural member of the Outdoors Adventures Group who built and manage this trail. The trail is on property owned by...
Drive west on East Linton Rd W until the road curves to the right. On the left is the East Linton Access Trail, at 323410 East Linton Rd W, with limited parking. Taking the East Linton Access Trail (which is just to the right of the more visible ATV trailhead) you...Grey County Forest #10 – Derby
Grey County Forest #10 – Derby features a multi-use trail system with three main loops. The Bruce Trail crosses the northern portion of the property, and is designated as hiking only. Other permitted activities on the property include: cycling, and seasonally,...
Grey County Forest #26 – Holland Centre
Grey County Forest #26 – Holland Centre is dominated by hardwoods with significant wetland areas. Hamilton Creek borders this property which offers cold water fishing and pleasant scenery. An unmarked trail. Note: Hunting is allowed in season. Property and trail map:...
Grey County Forest #28 – Taylor Road
Grey County Forest #28 – Taylor Road has an attractive hardwood forest with a bloom of pleasant white trilliums in the spring. This is an unmarked trail. Note: Hunting allowed in season. Property and trail map: GRForest_28+-+Taylor+Road Grey County Forest #28 –...