Flack Lake Nature Trail – 0.8 km (45 minutes) easy
Interesting geological features and remnants of an old logging camp are features of this trail.
Helenbar Lookout Trail – 7 km (2-4 hours) moderate
Focal points include huge boulder erratics, a spectacular lookout and views of the surrounding mountainous landscape. There is a white sand beach on Semiwite Lake where the Helenbar and Semiwite Lake Trails meet.
MacKenzie Trail – 22 km (3-5 days) strenuous
To test your hiking stamina and get away from it all, try this overnight trail into the backcountry. Campsites are located on the Brush Lakes. From the Brush Lakes Lookout and other lookouts along the eastern edge of the trail, you can look across the vast Stag Lake Peatlands, a provincially significant wetland filling part of the Boland Valley. The Helenbar Lookout and Semiwite Lake Trails can be combined with the Mackenzie for a multi-day backcountry hike.
Semiwite Creek Trail – 4.3 km loop – moderate
Follow Semiwite Creek for a chance to see wildlife and photograph picturesque views.
JimChrist Trail – 11 km (6 hours) moderate
Mixed hardwoods and large White Pines tower over this trail which climbs a series of ridges and hills. There is a good view of the base of the Helenbar Lookout ridge at the mid-point of the trail.
Cobre Lake Trail – 11 km (3-5 hours) strenuous
This trail is situated just 11 km north of the park in the Rawhide Lake Conservation Reserve. Look for evidence of last century copper mining exploration, majestic White and Red Pine forests and panoramic views of several lakes.

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Length: 7 trails ranging from .8 km to 22 km.
Difficulty: Difficult (Trail classifications)
Trail surface: Natural
Trail use: Hiking
Accessibility Notes: None
Fees: Park entrance fees

Flora & Fauna:

Not reported yet

Amenities: privies, picnic areas

Attractions: Lookout, Panoramic views

705-862-1203 (May to September); 705-865-2021 (October to May)

Find it: Highway 108, north of Elliot Lake, ON

GPS Coordinates (main trailhead):
Latitude: 46.5787300
Longitude: -82.7239840