One of the Oro Moraine properties surveyed by Conservancy ecologists belonged to Don Elliott and his brother. Several years later, Don and his wife, Heather, decided to donate this 7 hectare section of forest to the Conservancy for safekeeping in perpetuity. This is a fine example of well- managed upland hardwoods, set within a landscape dominated by forest, including a Simcoe County forest tract immediately to the north. Unfortunately, only a few days after he property dedication ceremony in October 2006, Don Elliott passed away. All who visit and enjoy Elliott Woods will remember his generosity

Unique features of this property

  • mature hardwood forest dominated by Hard Maple and a mix of associated upland species
  • sandy soils on this site are very well drained, recharging water into the aquifers underlying the Moraine
  • diverse mix of ferns and wildflowers in the understory, especially evident during the spring months.

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ELLIOTT WOODS characteristics

Length: Not known
Difficulty: Moderate (Trail classifications)
Trail surface: Natural
Trail use: Hiking
Accessibility Notes: Not wheelchair accessible
Fees: None

Flora & Fauna:

Considerable amount of Red Oak in the forest stand, which is unusual on the Oro Moraine.
This property shelters interior forest breeding birds, including Scarlet Tanager, Wood Thrush and Black-throated Blue Warbler.

Amenities: None reported

The Couchiching Conservancy 1485 Division Road West, Orillia, ON General inquiries Tel: 705-326-1620

Find it: Side Road 30 & 31 W, Shanty Bay, ON

GPS Coordinates (main trailhead):
Latitude: 44.5035625
Longitude: -79.6849375