Ontario Nature Trails provides you with a great data base of over 1,300 nature and hiking trails throughout the Province of Ontario. Searching for trails on Ontario Nature Trails is easy.

Locating trails in Ontario Nature Trail’s data base can take several forms.  You can search by Region, by City or Town.  Simply use the drop down menu at the top of the Home Page, under FIND TRAILS.

But there is another more interesting option under this drop down menu – ADVANCED SEARCH – which takes you to the site’s Advanced Trail Search function. Here you can search for trails by Trail Use, Trail Surface, Trail Difficulty, and Trail Features.  The Trail Features option is really exciting.  You can search for features such as those trails that are wheelchair accessible, one’s with boardwalks, one’s with waterfalls, one’s with viewing platforms, and even one with a spiral staircase.  All in all there are 55 different trail features in this search function.

Using Ontario Nature Trail’s search functions you will have no trouble finding just the right trail for your outdoor adventure. Searching for trails on Ontario Nature Trails is easy.

We would also urge you to read our DISCLAIMER and our TRAIL USERS CODE



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