Nature Trails near Embro, Ontario

Embro is a village in the Township of Zorra.

The Township of Zorra is a rural municipality within the County of Oxford. The Township is comprised of several rural clusters and two serviced villages.

The population of Zorra Township is 8,138, with a total land area of 529 square kilometres.

The Township of Zorra offers many services, programs, activities and facilities for you to live and play in our community!
From animal services to roads, we provide the tools and support for our community to stay safe and healthy. Community assistance programs offer extra assistance to those who need it.
Looking for something fun to do in Zorra? Learn about the arts and culture in our community. Our parks, lakes, trails and conservation areas are great spots for enjoying the outdoors. We also have recreational programs for all ages!
Explore Zorra's many opportunities.

Some of Ontario's best hiking trails and nature trails are near Embro.

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These well-maintained trails  are packed earth and have wood chips on large sections. There are several loops, so hikers can go as short or long a distance as they desire. A great place for a family picnic and hike. Maintained by the Embro Pond Association. There is a...