Brian Goodchild Memorial Trail runs from Memorial Park at 9 Matthew Street to the public boat launch at Mag’s Landing just north of the dam.

Link to trail map:,+Marmora,+ON+K0K+2M0/@44.482803,-77.6852251,18z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x4cd34556a679d341:0x2187466bf12eef0b!2sNayler’s+Common,+Marmora,+ON+K0K+2M0!3b1!8m2!3d44.4855302!4d-77.6752308!3m4!1s0x4cd35aaa355c2dc3:0xaa279013d596fad2!8m2!3d44.4849769!4d-77.6864053

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Brian Goodchild Memorial Trail characteristics

Length: Not known
Difficulty: Easy (Trail classifications)
Trail surface: Natural
Trail use: Hiking
Accessibility Notes: Accessibility not known.
Fees: None

Flora & Fauna:

Not reported yet

Amenities: None

Attractions: None

Municipality of Marmora & Lake Phone: 613-472-2629 Toll Free: 1-866-518-2282

Find it: 9 Matthew St, Marmora, ON

GPS Coordinates (main trailhead):
Latitude: 44.4822560
Longitude: -77.6842390