Start this loop trail from the parking lot of the Grey Bruce Tourism office. The Merle Gunby Side Trail heads east and to the north from the parking lot. The blue-blazed side trail traverses a hard wood forest before turning east and then south to meet briefly with...
This loop trail starts at the Mt Nemo Conservation Area parking lot on Colling Rd, off of Guelph Line. Walking this loop counter clockwise start walking east on the main Bruce Trail. Follow the white blazed trail until the main trail turns left. Stay straight ahead on...
This loop trail begins at the parking lot for Albion Falls, 768 Mountain Brow Blvd, Hamilton. Walk the loop clockwise. Follow the blue blazed Mountain Brow Side Trail, past the Buttermilk Falls until the trail intersects with the Red Hill Creek Side Trail. Turn right...
The Nels Maher Side Trail, along with the Edmonstrone Side Trail makes a great loop trail hike. Along with the main trail of the Bruce Trail these two side trails make a 3 km loop through a mixed hardwood forest. This loop trail falls within the Sydenham section of...
Your hike starts at the beginning of the 2nd Line East access trail at the end of the travelled portion of the 2nd Line East. This 150 metre trail will take you to an intersection with the Oliver Creek Side Trail. Turn left onto this side trail and follow the blue...
From the parking lot on Scenic Caves Rd, proceed to the right or south and follow the blue blazes until you reach the main Bruce Trail. Turn left and follow the white blazes of the main trail for 3 km as it descends the escarpment and proceeds along the elevated...
There is a short access trail called the Pretty River Access trail running north from where you have parked your car on Pretty River Rd. When this access trail meets the main Bruce Trail turn left onto the main trail and follow the white blazes of the main trail. The...
This loop trail commences with the parking of your car at a parking lot on Prince of Wales Rd at the beginning of the Prince of Wales Side Trail. The parking lot is 80 metres south of the start of this side trail. Take the blue blazed trail north from the north or...
After parking your car on the east side of Blind Line at Britannia Rd head north on the white blazed main Bruce Trail. After .6 km the River & Ruin Side trail turns right, off the main trail. The River & Ruin Side Trail passes through a spruce woodlot, past...
From your parked car head east on the River Kwai Side Trail. Crossing the River Kwai follow this blue-blazed trail for 3.5 km until you reach an intersection with the main Bruce Trail. Turn left onto the main trail and follow the white blazes. The trail gradually...
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