Algoma District Nature Trails

Welcome to Algoma District!

Algoma District is located in Northern Ontario and is a place that has to be experienced! We border on two of the greatest of the Great Lakes, Superior and Huron, shorelines are our most southerly borders. Our inland geography with its old growth forests and countless rivers, lakes and streams means Algoma is home to astounding wildlife and fishing and hunting opportunities that will simply knock your socks off. Its landscapes will make you gasp. Its people will make you feel welcome. Our summer is a playground of fresh water, warm weather, clean air and tons of things to see and do. From a relaxing hike to a challenging expedition into the far reaches of our many provincial parks, you can truly relax or test your skills during an Algoma summer. Blue skies, clear water and clean, fresh air make for the best summer vacations.
Fall brings massive changes to Algoma District. All of our green turns into vibrant colours, as far as your eye can see. Fiery reds, brilliant oranges and yellows make the very best backdrop for touring whether by car or motorcycle. The hair on the back of your neck is sure to rise while on our coastline tours. Goose bumps are guaranteed.
Once the leaves fall from the trees, winter brings a playground of ice and snow! You can ride on uncrowded trails, downhill or cross country ski or simply snuggle up and enjoy the warmth of your accommodations. White is the colour of our winter and its deep, clean and plentiful!
After the snow melts, our landscapes wake up with new growth. Our fish are ready to take on any angler, cottages and lodges are prepared for your arrival. We are so ready for your arrival! Our cities and towns polish winter away. Algoma is THAT spectacular. But you truly have to experience us first hand. So, pull up a chair at mother nature’s table in Algoma, don’t settle for less than a real experience.

You will find some of the best hiking and nature trails in Ontario right here in Algoma.

For more information please visit:


The Michipicoten Trail section of the Voyageur Trail runs from Highway 17 North to follow the Magpie River valley, south along the coast to Bridget Lake. An old, little-used section runs from Bridget Lake south to Noisy Bay in Lake Superior Provincial Park. It follows...


Flack Lake Nature Trail – 0.8 km (45 minutes) easy Interesting geological features and remnants of an old logging camp are features of this trail. Helenbar Lookout Trail – 7 km (2-4 hours) moderate Focal points include huge boulder erratics, a spectacular...


The trails system is designed with many loops so that distances and degrees of difficulty are available. All are marked with to identify the different trails. Orchard Trail: 2 km marked with green circles. Church Loop: is a short .5 km hilly loop Gully Loop: .5 km and...


Shaganash Trail 4 km (2 hours) moderate This trail follows the shoreline of Park Lake. Interpretive stops along the way explain how Aboriginals used plants and wildlife to survive in this environment. Time Trail 1.5 km loop (1.5 hours) moderate Along the trail are...


The Pancake Bay Nature Trail – 3.5 km (1-2 hours) easy Located next to the campground, this trail begins along the dramatic Lake Superior shoreline, takes you over forested ancient beach ridges, through a fascinating wetland and then ends along a shallow meandering...


This is a section of the Voyageur Trail. The western end of this 45 kilometre section begins the Village of Iron Bridge and follows existing trailways and ridges overlooking numerous lakes north of the Blind River. The diversity of landscape and abundant access points...


This trail follows the shoreline of Porridge Lake. We would also direct you to read our DISCLAIMER and our TRAIL USERS CODE. Region(s): Algoma District Nearby towns and cities: Elliot Lake Trail feature tags: Boardwalk | Lookout PORRIDGE LAKE TRAIL characteristics...


There is a 350 meter self-guided hiking trail and boardwalk that winds in and around the natural beauty of these distinctive pothole landforms created by glaciers thousands of years ago. The interpretive panels along the trail provide information on the geology, flora...

Robertson Cliff/Ila’s Loop Trail

Robertson Cliff provides a spectacular panoramic view and is reached via a 5 km loop trail known as Ila’s Loop. Directions:  Drive north on Highway 17 for 28 km. After the Goulais River Bridge, turn right onto Old Highway 17, then take the first right onto...


This is a section of the Voyageur Trail. The Saulteaux Section of the runs across bluffs north of the City of Sault Ste. Marie for 28.2 km. There are numerous access points and loop trails along the trail. Link to Voyageur Trail Association web site with trails map...