Nature Trails near Sudbury, Ontario
Welcome to Sudbury!
The City of Greater Sudbury is centrally located in Northeastern Ontario at the convergence of three major highways. It is situated on the Canadian Shield in the Great Lakes Basin and is composed of a rich mix of urban, suburban, rural and wilderness environments. Greater Sudbury is 3,627 square kilometres in area, making it the geographically largest municipality in Ontario and second largest in Canada. Greater Sudbury is considered a city of lakes, containing 330 lakes and and the largest lake contained within a city, Lake Wanapitei.
In 2006, Greater Sudbury was home to approximately 158,000 people. In the 2011 census, the city's population increased to 160,274, a growth of 1.5 per cent. It is a multicultural and truly bilingual community. Over 27 per cent of people living in the City reported French as their mother tongue in 2006. Almost 39 per cent of people identify themselves as being bilingual. Italian, Finnish, German, Ukrainian and Polish are the top five non official languages spoken in the City. More than six per cent of people living in the City are First Nations.
Greater Sudbury is a world class mining centre. The city's mining companies employ approximately 6,000 people and support a 300-company mining supply and service sector cluster that employs a further 10,000 people. The city is also a regional centre in financial and business services, tourism, health care and research, education and government for Northeastern Ontario - an area that stretches from the Quebec border west to the eastern shore of Lake Superior and north to the James and Hudson's Bay coastlines – a market of 555,000.
Greater Sudbury is a regional hub for many Ontario residents who live in nearby communities. These visitors come to the city to visit with family and friends, for cultural and educational experiences, such as Science North and Dynamic Earth, for entertainment, for shopping and for conducting business.
For more information please visit: https://www.greatersudbury.ca/
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