Nature Trails near Marathon, Ontario

Peninsula Square
Discover Marathon
The Town of Marathon is located right along the famous Lake Superior Circle Tour Route. Marathon is 904 km/540 miles east of the geographic centre of Canada. Easily accessible, Marathon is located just off Highway 17, the Trans Canada Highway.
When visiting Marathon, the great outdoors and surrounding wilderness await the enthusiast. In addition to the traditional pastimes of hunting and fishing, there are opportunities for canoeing / kayaking, hiking, golf, cross country and alpine skiing, snowmobiling, wildlife and bird watching, camping and much, much more.
"Quality of Life" is a Marathon trademark. As you review our website, you will be awakened to Marathon's many amenities and realize why Marathon is a great place to visit. In fact, we'd like to offer you our Superior Hospitality Promise.

Mill View from Carden Cove
A number of tremendous recreation tourism attractions await the visitor to Marathon. From the breathtaking views along the long stretch of shorelines of Pebble Beach, to the perfect Lake Superior panorama viewed from Hawk's Ridge, Marathon will not disappoint. Our parkland provides designated areas and facilities for a wide variety of four-season recreational activity including hiking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, and mountain biking.
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Voyageur Trail (North Section): Approximately 1.8 km, Easy to Moderate This trail can be accessed from the boat launch or by vehicle on Carden Cove Road. Carden Cove Beach is an easy walk along the sandy beach. Located at the end of Carden Cove Beach, there are two...
At the end of this 1 km trail you come to a small lake dropping off to the east to drain into the Little Pic River. No way to cross at this juncture. We would also direct you to read our DISCLAIMER and our TRAIL USERS CODE Region(s): Thunder Bay District Nearby towns...
Begin your hike at the end of Hemlo Avenue in Marathon where you will find the trail marker. This trail climbs to a vertical height of 350 feet. Hawks Ridge creates a dramatic division between land and lake and offers an spectacular view of Lake Superior and the...KWEWISKANING COASTAL TRAIL
Inspired by the internationally renowned artwork of the Group of Seven, the G7 Lake Superior Trail project aims to link a network of existing and potential trails from Pic River to Neys Provincial Park, in an effort to build “A Trail to Connect the...MARATHON TO HERON BAY TRAIL
This trail connects Marathon to Heron Bay and Lunam Lake. This trail offers an amazing view of Heron Bay from a lookout and the calm shores of Lunam Lake. The section from Lunam Lake to Heron bay is the most difficult part of the trail. From the lookout there are a...
Located about 30 km west of Marathon on the south side of Highway 17 about 1/2 km west of where Mink Creek crossing the highway. You need to park in a parking area on the north side of the highway and cross the highway to the trail head. The trail head is at the...NEUVE CHAPELLE LOOP TRAIL
NEUVE CHAPELLE LOOP TRAIL Near the beginning of the Carden Cove to Sturdee Cove trail there is a fork in the trail. This other trail is a side loop over Neuve Chapelle Point. This trail goes left and leads to the south end of Beatty Cove. This trail connects to the...NEYS PROVINCIAL PARK TRAILS
NEYS PROVINCIAL PARK TRAILS Dune Trail – 1 km loop (30 minutes), easy As you walk along this short trail, take note of the delicate dune vegetation and then compare it with the plants of the boreal forest at the back of the loop. Lookout Trail – 2 km (1...